@ARTICLE(ali-95, AUTHOR = "F. Alizadeh", TITLE = "Interior Point Methods in Semidefinite Programming with Applications to Combinatorial Optimization", JOURNAL = "{SIAM J. Optim.}", VOLUME=5, NUMBER=1, PAGES="13--51", YEAR = 1995)
@TECHREPORT(AHO-95, AUTHOR = "F. Alizadeh and J.P Haeberly and M. Overton", TITLE = "Complementarity and nondegeneracy in semidefinite programming", INSTITUTION = "Rutgers Center For Operations Research", NUMBER = "rrr46-95", Note="To appear In {\em Math. Programming Ser. B}", YEAR = 1995)
@UNPUBLISHED(AHO-95, AUTHOR = "F. Alizadeh and J.P Haeberly and M. Overton", TITLE = "Primal-Dual Interior-Point Methods for Semidefinite Programming: Convergence Rates, Stability and Numerical Results", NOTE="Submitted", YEAR = 1996)
@UNPUBLISHED(AK-94, AUTHOR = "Noga Alon and Nabil Kahale", TITLE="Approximating the independence number via {$\vartheta$}--function", NOTE="{Manuscript}", YEAR=1994)
@ARTICLE(BW-81a, AUTHOR="J. M. Borwein and H.~Wolkowicz", TITLE="Facial reduction for a cone-convex programming problem", JOURNAL="J. Austral. Math. Soc. Ser. A", VOLUME=30, PAGES="369--380", YEAR=1981)
@ARTICLE(BW-81b, AUTHOR="J. M. Borwein and H.~Wolkowicz", TITLE="Characterization of Optimality for the abstract convex program with finite dimensional range", JOURNAL="J. Austral. Math. Soc. Ser. A", VOLUME=30, PAGES="390--411", YEAR=1981)
@ARTICLE(CDW-75, AUTHOR = "J.~Cullum and W.~E.~Donath and P.~Wolfe", TITLE="The minimization of certain nondifferentiable sums of eigenvalue problems", JOURNAL = "{Math. Programming Stud.}", VOLUME = 3, PAGES = "35--55", YEAR=1975)
@INPROCEEDINGS(FG-95, AUTHOR = "Uriel Feige and Michel X. Goemans", TITLE = "Approximating the value of two prover proof systems, with applications to {MAX 2SAT} and {MAX DICUT}", YEAR = 1995, BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the Third Israel Symposium on Theory of Computing and Systems")
@ARTICLE(fle-85, AUTHOR="R.~Fletcher", TITLE = "Semi-Definite Matrix Constraints in Optimization", JOURNAL="{SIAM J. Control Optim.}, VOLUME=23, PAGES="493-513", YEAR=1985)
@TECHREPORT(fre-94, AUTHOR = "R. M. Freund", TITLE = "{Complexity of an Algorithm for Finding an Approximate Solution of a Semi-Definite Program with no Regularity Assumption}", INSTITUTION = "Operations Research Center, M.I.T.", NUMBER = "OR-302-94", YEAR = 1994)
@UNPUBLISHED(FJ-94, AUTHOR= "{Alan Frieze and Mark Jerum}", TITLE="{Improved approximation algorithms for MAX-$k$--CUT snd MAX BISECTION}", NOTE="{Manuscript}", YEAR=1994)
@ARTICLE(GW-94, AUTHOR = "Michel X. Goemans and David P. Williamson", TITLE = "{Improved Approximation Algorithms for Maximum Cut and Satisfiability Problems Using Semidefinite Programming}", JOURNAL = "{J. Assoc. Comput. Mach.}", NOTE = "{(To appear). A preliminary version appeared in Proc. 26th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing}", YEAR = 1994)
@UNPUBLISHED(gul-94, AUTHOR="{Osman G{\"{u}}ler}", TITLE="{Barrier Functions in Interior Point Methods}", NOTE="Manuscript", SCHOOL="University of Maryland Balitomre County", YEAR="1994")
@book(GLS-88, AUTHOR="M. Gr{\"{o}}tschel and L. Lov\'{a}sz and A. Schrijver", TITLE="{Geometric Algorithms and Combinatorial Optimization}", YEAR=1988, PUBLISHER="Springer Verlag")
@ARTICLE(HRVW-94, AUTHOR="C. Helmberg and F. Rendl and R. J. Vanderbei and H. Wolkowicz", TITLE="An Interior--Point Method for Semidefinite Programming", JOURNAL="{SIAM J. Optim.}", NOTE="(To appear)", YEAR=1994)
@INPROCEEDINGS(KMS-94, AUTHOR="David Karger and Rajeev Motwani and Madhu Sudan", TITLE="{Improved Graph Coloring by Semidefinite Programming}", BOOKTITLE = focs34, YEAR=1994)
@ARTICLE(knu-95, AUTHOR="D. E. Knuth", TITLE="The Sandwich Theorem", JOURNAL="{Electronic Journal of Combinatorics", VOLUME=1, YEAR=1995, NOTE="Accessible via http://ejc.math.gatech.edu:8080/Journal/Volume_1/volume1.html")
@TECHREPORT(KKH-94, AUTHOR="M. Kojima and S. Kojima and S. Hara", TITLE="{Linear Algebra for Semidefinite Programming", INSTITUTION="{Department of Information Sciences, Tokyo Inst. of Technology}", NUMBER="{B-290}", YEAR=1994)
@TECHREPORT(KSH-94, AUTHOR="M. Kojima and S. Shindoh and S. Hara", TITLE="{Interior--Point Methods for the Monotone Linear Complementarity Problem in Symmetric Matrices}", INSTITUTION="{Department of Information Sciences, Tokyo Inst. of Technology}", NUMBER="{B-282}", YEAR=1994)
@TECHREPORT(lov-92, AUTHOR="L.~Lov\'{a}sz ", TITLE="{Combinatorial Optimization: Some Problems and Trends", INSTITUTION="Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS)", NUMBER="92-53" YEAR=1992)
@ARTICLE(LS-91, AUTHOR="L.~Lov\'{a}sz and A.~Schrijver", TITLE="{Cones of Matrices and Setfunctions, and 0-1 Optimization}", JOURNAL="{SIAM J. Optim.}", VOLUME=1, NUMBER=2, PAGES="166-190", YEAR=1991)
@BOOK(NN-94, AUTHOR = "Y.~Nesterov and A.~Nemirovskii", TITLE="{Interior Point Polynomial Methods in Convex Programming: Theory and Applications}", PUBLISHER="{Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}", ADDRESS="Philadelphia", YEAR=1994)
@ARTICLE(NT-94, AUTHOR="{Nesterov, Yu. E. and Todd, Michael J.}", TITLE="{Self-Scaled Cones and Interior--Point Methods in Nonlinear Programming}", JOURNAL="{Mathematics of Operations Research"}, NOTE="{submitted}", MONTH="April", YEAR=1994)
@ARTICLE(NT-95, AUTHOR="{Nesterov, Yu. E. and Todd, Michael J.}", TITLE="{Primal_dual Interior Point methods for Self-Scaled Cones"}, JOURNAL="{SIAM J. on Optimization}", NOTE="{To appear}", YEAR=1995)
@ARTICLE(ove-88, AUTHOR="M.~L. Overton", TITLE="On minimizing the Maximum Eigenvalue of a Symmetric Matrix", JOURNAL="{SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.}", VOLUME=9, NUMBER=2, PAGES="256-268", YEAR=1988)
@ARTICLE(OW-91a, AUTHOR="M.~L. Overton and R.~S. Womersley", TITLE="Optimality Conditions and Duality Theory for Minimizing sums of the Largest Eigenvalues of Symmetric Matrices", JOURNAL="{Math. Programming}", VOLUME=62, NUMBER=2, PAGES="321-357", YEAR=1993)
@ARTICLE(OW-91b, AUTHOR="M.~L. Overton and R.~S. Womersley", TITLE="On the Sum of the Largest Eigenvalues of a Symmetric Matrix", JOURNAL="{SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.}", VOLUME=13, PAGES="41-45", YEAR=1992)
@TECHREPORT(pat-94, AUTHOR="G. Pataki", TITLE="On the Multiplicity of optimal eigenvalues", INSTITUTION="{Graduate School of Industrial Administration, Garnegie--Mellon University}", NUMBER="{MSRR-604}", YEAR=1994)
@PHDTHESIS(ram-93, AUTHOR = "Motakuri Venkata Ramana", TITLE="An Algorithmic Analysis of Multiquadratic and Semidefinite Programming Problems", SCHOOL = "Johns Hopkins University", YEAR = 1993)
@TECHREPORT(ram-95, AUTHOR = "Motakuri Venkata Ramana", TITLE="An Exact duality Theory for Semidefinite Programming and its Complexity Implications", INSTITUTION="DIMACS", NUMBER="{95-02}", YEAR = 1995)
@TECHREPORT=VB-94, AUTHOR = "Lieven Vandenberghe and Stephen Boyd", TITLE = "Semidefinite Programming", INSTITUTION="Information Systems Laboratory, Stanford University", YEAR=1994)
@TECHREPORT(VB-93, AUTHOR = "L. Vandenberghe and S. Boyd ", TITLE = "Primal--dual potential reduction method for problems involving matrix inequalities", INSTITUTION = "{Information Systems Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA}", YEAR = "1993", NOTE="{\em Math. Prog.} (to appear)", MONTH = "January")
@ARTICLE(wol-81, AUTHOR="H.~Wolkowicz", TITLE = "Some applications of optimization in matrix theory", JOURNAL="{Linear Algebra Appl.}", VOLUME=40, PAGES="101--118", YEAR=1981)