Name: András Prékopa

Born: September 11, 1929, Hungary

B.A. and M.A. degrees in Mathematics and Physics from the University of Debrecen (Hungary) in 1949 and 1952, respectively.

Ph.D. student under the leadership of Professor A. Rényi at the Institute for Applied Mathematics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1952-1955. Candidate of Math.Sci. degree 1956, Ph.D. 1960 from the University of Budapest.

On Stochastic Set Functions.

Doctor of Mathematical Sciences: 1971, from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Thesis: On Optimization of Stochastic Systems.

Professor of Operations Research, Statistics and Mathematics, Rutgers University. 1985-present.

Professor of Operations Research and Mathematics, L. Eötvös University of Budapest, 1983-2000. Founder of the Department of Operations Research and chairman between 1983-1987. Emeritus, 2000-.

Professor of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Technical University of Budapest, 1968-1983.

Associate Professor, Department of Probability Theory, L Eötvös University of Budapest, 1963-1968.

Assistant Professor, Department of Probability Theory, L. Eötvös University of Budapest, 1956-1963.

Assistant, Technical University of Budapest, Department of Mathematics, 1951-1952.

Director and founder of the Applied Mathematics Branch, Computer and Automation Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1977-1985.

Head of the Department of Operations Research, Computer and Automation Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1973-1975.

Head of the Department of Operations Research, Computing Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1970-1973.

Head and founder of the Department of Operations Research, Mathematical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1959-1970. First research OR department in Hungary. Moved to the Computing Center (united with Computer and Aut. Inst. of the H.A.S. in 1973) in 1970.

Head and founder of the Mathematical Statistics Group, Central Statistical Bureau, Budapest, 1958-1965.

Educational Activities, Courses Taught at the L. Eötvös University of Budapest and the Technical University Of Budapest:

Linear Programming (first in 1958), Nonlinear Programming, Stochastic Programming, Integer Programming, Inventory Control, Queuing Theory, Stochastic Processes, Probability Theory, Mathematical Statistics, Advanced Calculus, Linear Algebra, Applied Mathematics,

Founder of the Operations Research master's program at the L. Eötvös University of Budapest. First students enrolled in 1967. Founder of the Doctoral Program: Operations Research, Applied Mathematics and Statistics at the L. Eötvös University of Budapest, 1992.

At Rutgers University:

Undergraduate: Linear programming, Probability Theory, Statistics, Calculus, Applied Mathematics, Stochastic Models of Operations Research.

Graduate: Stochastic Processes, Stochastic Programming, Actuarial Mathematics, Financial Mathematics, Simulation, Applied OR Models.

Visiting Appointments:

Rutgers University, RUTCOR, 1985-87.

Univarsity of Copenhagen, 1982.

Stanford University, Department of Operations Research, 1978.

University of Wisconsin-Madison, Mathematics Research Center 1977-1978.

University of Zurich, OR Dept. 1975.

Tulane University, School of Business Administration, 1965, 1967.

Case Institute of Technology, Department of Mathematics, 1965.

University of Aarhus, Department of Mathematics, Aarhus, Denmark, 1960.

Editorial Activities:

Editor-in-chief (and one of the founder) of Applied Mathematics Papers (Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok) published in Hungary, (1979-1990).

Member of the editorial boards of: Acta Cybernetica; Acta Sci. Math. Hung.; Annales Univ. R. Eötvös, Sectio Math.; Annals of Operations Research; Computational Man. Sci.; Discrete Applied Mathematics; Mathematical Inequalities and Appl., European J. of Pure and Applied Math. Formerly: Stochastic Processes; Mathematics of Operations Research; European Journal of Operational Research; Periodica Mathematica Hungarica.

Other Appointments:

Chairman and founder of the Committee on Stochastic Programming, Mathematical Programming Society, 1981-1989.

Chairman and founder of the Committee of Operations Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1979-1987.

Chairman and founder of the Applied Mathematics Section, J. Bolyai Mathematical Society, 1964-1985.

Chairman of several international conferences:

Applications of Mathematics to Economics, Budapest, Hungary, 1963.

Inventory Control and Water storage, Győr, Hungary, 1971.

International Operations Research Conference, Eger, Hungary, 1974.

IX. International Symposium on Mathematical Programming Budapest, Hungary, 1976.

International Conference on Stochastic Programming, Kőszeg, Hungary, 1981.

International Conference on Stochastic Programming, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria, 1983 (co-chairman).

International Conference on Stochastic Programming, Oberwolfach, Germany, 1979 (co-chairman).

GAMM Tagung, Budapest, 1982.

12th IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, Budapest, 1985.

European Operational Research Conference, EURO XIX, July 16-19, 2000, Budapest, Hungary.

János Bolyai Memorial Conference, celebrating the 200th anniversary of his birth, July 8-12, Budapest, Hungary.

János Bolyai Memorial Conference, November 22-23, New Brunswick, NJ, USA.

János Bolyai Memorial Conference, Commemorating the 150th anniversary of his death, Budapest, Hungary-Marosvásárhely (Targu Mures), Romania Aug. 30-Sept 4, 2010.

Initiator and organizer of the Mátrafüred Conferences on Mathematical Programming, between 1973-1985.

Initiator and organizer or co-chairman of several Hungarian OR conferences since 1967 (Veszprém, 1967; Debrecen, 1970; Győr, 1975, etc.).

Member of all International Program Committees of the Symposia on Mathematical Programming, between 1964-1997; organizer of Stochastic Programming cluster at TIMS conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1984; Internatinal Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Rio de Janeiro, 1991; Stochastic Programming cluster at EURO 2000 Budapest, Hungary; EURO XXIII, Bonn, Germany; EURO XXIV, Lisbon, Portugal.


Foreign member of the National Academy of Engineering of Mexico, 1977-present.

Corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1979-1985.

Full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1985-present.

Member of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1987-present.

Member of the International Statistical Institute, 1968-present.

Fellow of the Econometric Society, 1978-present.

Honorary president, J. Bolyai Mathematical Society, Hungary, 1996-present.

Honorary president, Hungarian Operations Research Society 1991-present.

Chairman of the EURO Gold Medal Committee, 2008-2009.


G. Grünwald award from the J. Bolyai Society, 1956, given to young mathematicians for outstanding scientific achievements.

Award from the Federation of Scientific and Engineering Societies of Hungary, 1983, for outstanding activities in organization.

O. Benedikt award from the Computer and Automation Institute of the H.A.S, 1979, for outstanding research and leadership in Operations Research and Applied Mathematics.

Award from the Computer and Automation Inst. Of the H.A.S., 1985, for outstanding Scientific research.

Award from the Polish Academy of Sciences for outstanding scientific achievements and organization, 1982.

T. Szele medal from the J. Bolyai Society, 1994, for mentoring young scientists.

Széchenyi Prize from the Hungarian Government, 1996, for outstanding scientific achievements.

Prize for Excellence from the Publ. House of the H.A.S..1998, for the book 'Stochastic Programming, Kluwer, 1995.'

Grand Prize of the Arany János Foundation (Hungary) for the creation of a scientific school, 2002.

EURO Gold Medal, from the European Operational Research Societies, 2003.

Recognition, by the Committee on Stochastic Programming, as one of the founders of the field, 2004.

The Middle Cross Merit Order Medal from the President of the Republic of Hungary, for outstanding scientific and organizational activities, 2005.

Honoris Causa Doctor, Pannonian University, Hungary, 2006.

Most prominent biographical listing in: 5000 Personalities of the World, American Biographical Institute, 1986.

Membership in Professional Societies:

Mathematical Programming Society, 1970-present.

INFORMS (previously ORSA, TIMS), 1987-present.

Bernoulli Society 1998-present

J. Bolyai Mathematical Society, 1952-present.

Hungarian Operations Research Society, 1991-present.

SIAM, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1999-present.

International Association of Financial Engineers, 1997-2008.

(See also under the heading: Distinctions)

Research Interests:

Operations Research, in particular stochastic models, Linear and Nonlinear Programming, Stochastic Programming, Modern Applied Mathematics, Probability Theory and Statistics, Convex Geometry, Mathematical Analysis. Applications in economics, insurance and finance, power systems, water resources, network design, inventory control and production, chemistry, dietetics, etc.


Prékopa developed and gave courses on Calculus, Probability Theory, Stochastic Processes, Mathematical Statistics, Linear Programming, Nonlinear Programming, Integer Programming, Stochastic Programming, Inventory Control, Queueing Processes, Applied Mathematics, Actuarial mathematics, Financial Mathematics, Simulation, most of them on graduate level. Founded the OR masters program at the L. Eötvös University of Budapest, participated in the foundation of the RUTCOR Ph.D. program of which currently he is the graduate director. Among the several continuing education activities the very successful one, held during the years 1967-1969 in Budapest, Hungary at the J. Bolyai Math. Society, should be mentioned. The goal was to educate for OR methodologies those mathematicians, engineers and economists, who could not study them earlier, at academic curricula.


19 books (3 authored alone, 1 co-authored; 11 edited and co-authored; chapters written in 5), 164 scientific papers, 61 other articles, 101 research reports and lecture notes.

Invited Lectures:

Plenary respectively invited speaker at a number of conferences which include: The Hague, Stanford, Budapest, Montreal, Bonn Symposia on Mathematical Programming in 1970, 1973, 1976, 1979, 1982, respectively. GAMM Tagung, Hamburg, 1983; International Conference on Power System Linz, 1984; COMPSTAT Conference Prague, 1984; Nonlinear Programming Symposium Madison, Wisconsin, 1980; Statistics and Optimization, Gargnano, Italy, 1983, 1984. Optimization Days, Canada, 1978, Oberwolfach Conferences on Probability and Statistics 1960, 1961, 1967, on Optimization 1983, 1985, 1988. International Conferences on Stochastic Programming, IIASA, Laxenburg, 1984; Prague, 1986; Ann Arbor, 1989; Udine, 1992: Vancouver, 1998. Invited plenary speaker at the Symposium on Generalized Convexity and monotonicity, Samos Island, Greece,1999; János Bolyai Memorial Conferences., Budapest, 2002,2010; EURO Conferences: Budapest 2000, Rotterdam 2002, Prague 2007, Bonn 2008, Lisbon 2009; EURO-INFORMS Joint Conference, Istanbul, 2003; International Conference Commemorating Gyula Farkas, Cluj-Napoca, 2005; Applied Mathematical Programming and Modeling Conference, Bratislava, 2008; Mathematical Inequalities and Aplications, Trogir-Split, Croatia, 2008; Portfolio Construction and Risk Budgeting, organized by the Professional Risk Managers Association, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, 2008.


Speaks and writes in Hungarian, English, French, German, speaks in Russian.

Civil Status:

Married, spouse: Kinga Széchenyi teacher, translator, writer, historian and sculptor. They have two daughters: Monika and Judit.