Lecture Notes
  1. Introduction to Mathematics for Students in Chemistry. Lecture Notes, Dept. of Math., Univ. of Debrecen, 1950 (in Hungarian).
  2. Calculus I, II. Lecture Notes. Dept. of Math., Univ. of Debrecen, 1950, 1951 (in Hungarian).
  3. Introduction to Probability Theory. Lecture Notes, Institute for Continuing Education of Engineers, Techn. Univ. of Budapest, 1956 (in Hungarian).
  4. Stochastic Processes I, II. Lecture Notes, Dept. of Prob. Theory, Univ. of Budapest, 1956 (in Hungarian).
  5. Linear Algebra I. Lecture Notes, Central Statistical Bureau of Hungary, Budapest, 1958. (in Hungarian).
  6. Analysis I. Lecture Notes, Central Statistical Bureau of Hungary, Budapest, 1958 (in Hungarian).
  7. Analysis II. Lecture Notes, Central Statistical Bureau of Hungary, Budapest, 1959 (in Hungarian).
  8. Probability Theory. Lecture Notes, Central Statistical Bureau of Hungary, Budapest, 1960 (in Hungarian).
  9. Linear Algebra II. Lecture Notes, Central Statistical Bureau of Hungary, Budapest, 1960 (in Hungarian).
  10. Mathematical Statistics. Lecture Notes, Central Statistical Bureau of Hungary, Budapest, 1961. Together with Ö. Éltető (in Hungarian).
  11. Introduction to Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics. Lecture Notes, Institute for Continuing Education of Engineers, Technical Univ. of Budapest, 1964. Together with V. Scharnitzky (in Hungarian).